Friday, January 4, 2008

Huck's part-time communications guy keeps it real on his blog.

I love it when people in politics drop the charade and keep it real. This is a GREAT post from Joe Carter at the evangelical outpost . Take a peek...

"Campaigns Are Staffed By A Narrow Range of People -- Much like tax preparation or lettuce picking, campaign work is short-term, seasonal, and semi-skilled. I identified five main grouping of staffers: (a) local hires and people who have previously served with the candidate, (b) young singles that that work cheap, (c) financially independent volunteers, (d) high-priced veteran advisers, and (e) semi-competent/semi-experienced temps. (I fell into category (e)).
The Mainstream Media Ain't So Bad -- Many bloggers (including me) have a knee-jerk reaction to the mainstream media. We "just know" they have a liberal bias and that they can't be trusted to report accurately on Republicans and conservatives. If my experience is any indication, then most of what we know is "just wrong."
My job wasn't to spin the press but to present the facts for the Huckabee campaign's side of the story. I expected that I'd have the toughest time with the professional journalists but most of the reporters that I dealt with (especially Michael Luo of the New York Times and Jonathan Martin of Politico) were quite fair and always professional. Even when their coverage was cringe-inducing I rarely could fault them for being inaccurate or putting their own biases ahead of the facts."

He continues on to several different topics and all will give you campaign veterans a chuckle as you think on your own similar experiences. Although I am not a fan of Huck I give credit to Joe for being very candid in his commentary.

Shout out to David All from TechRepublican where I read this first.

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