Friday, January 11, 2008

This is why Duha's peeps want to follow him into battle.

Most campaign staff pay sucks. There is no watering it down or sugarcoating it. Most of the qualified and successful people on most campaigns could make far more in a normal job but choose politics. Lots of reasons why but the best one is they like to win. Mike DuHaime likes to win and that is why people want to work for him.

"We have enough money, but we could always use more money," contended Mike DuHaime, Giuliani's campaign manager and one of those who now is working for free. "We want to make sure we have enough to win."

Whatever it takes to win.

Now this is where the major respect comes in...

"DuHaime and other aides stressed that relinquishing pay was voluntary and was limited to senior staffers.
"I want to do everything I can to make sure Rudy's president, and I speak for a lot of the campaign when I say that," DuHaime said. "None of us joined this campaign for money."

I have seen lots of campaigns screw their staff to save a couple of bucks. The part that breaks my heart is when it is some 23 year old with 150k in school debt whose mommy and daddy don't belong to three country clubs (sorry, for the class warfare but I got stick up for my kin from the trailer parks) that gets the shaft. They are told they can't file an expense report and that the meager salary they were being paid for 7 days/100+ hours a week is now on hold so we can buy 2 days of TV.

Real leadership takes the first step especially when it comes to sacrifice. Way to go Mike.

Read the whole article here .


Anonymous said...

Too bad he is going to lose since he doesn't know how to run a primary race. Maybe he should have opened a history book before the pocket book.

chrisfaulkner said...

ouch! Someone is drinking the Haterade.