Wednesday, January 2, 2008

So what will the campaigns not do to get your vote in Iowa?

Mom's taxi.

Yes, thats right the Clinton campaign is ready to drive your kids to basketball and pick up your dry cleaning.

"If you need anything, even help with your kids, just ask. One supporter did ask: “I’ve got four kids. Do you want to drive them everywhere they gotta be that night?” A Clinton volunteer replied: “Let me take your name and see if we can help you.” “Are you serious?” the woman asked. “Yes,” the volunteer said. “We need everyone.”

The funny part is what voters are going to expect in November this year for the general election. Probably something like this...

  • Campaign volunteer - "Hello, just calling to remind you to get and vote on Tuesday!"
  • Targeted voter - "No problem. I am going to need some folks to rake my leaves this weekend first."
  • Campaign volunteer - "What?"
  • Targeted voter - "I said, I will need some staff from your campaign to rake my yard first. Need the oil changed in my van too."
  • Campaign volunteer - (now somewhat depressed) "Ok, I will be over after I finish my shift at the phone bank.

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